Apollo in Real Time Forum
Message Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: chubble on May 24, 2021, 01:34:09 am
I tried looking around briefly if this question had already been asked and answered but didn't see anything.
Is there a chance other Apollo missions will be added to this site?
I'd love to hear the Apollo 8 mission since it is the first trip to the moon. Apollo 12 would be awesome too with the lightning strike after take off and hearing John Aaron in action earning his "steely eyed missile man" name. And I'm sure all the missions have amazing parts of them that I'm not aware of.
Thanks for this amazing site!
Yes! We're working on Apollo 16 now. It probably not going to be ready for the 50th anniversary, but we'll try.
Hi Ben
I’d like to put in a vote for Apollo 8. First mission where we at Honeysuckle became a major player
It'll take a while for all of those tapes to be restored. I would be interested to hear Apollo 7 myself to hear how mission control, and in particular Glynn Lunney, reacts to Wally Schirra's wanton insubordination. That said, they probably wouldn't say anything too critical of the astronauts on the loops...
Yes! We're working on Apollo 16 now. It probably not going to be ready for the 50th anniversary, but we'll try.
Apologies if this is an obvious answer one way or the other, but is this going to include the Mission Control audio as well, or will it be like 17?
I've been keeping my eye on the relevant NSF grant page and the project is clearly going ahead but I can't tell where they actually are, if anywhere, with further digitization of the tapes. It's clearly planned, though, and the project is due to end in 2023, so here's hoping. https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2016725&HistoricalAwards=false (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2016725&HistoricalAwards=false)
Needless to say I know that everyone involved in all of this is doing all they possibly can! This has been such an amazing resource and it will be wonderful to hear and see more, in whatever order it comes. (But yes, if I were wishing I would put in a vote for 7 or 8.)
Yes! We're working on Apollo 16 now. It probably not going to be ready for the 50th anniversary, but we'll try.
Hi there :-)
Any news about when Apollo 16 is coming online?
I am really looking forward to that :-)
Not for several years. Hold-up at the National Archives.
Okay. But what do you mean with a hold up?
As noted in an earlier post, there was a delay - likely as a result of COVID-19 and budget constraints - and it looks like the end date of the project was pushed back to August 2024 according to NSF's award page (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2016725&HistoricalAwards=false).
Is Apollo 16 planned to include the Mission Control loops?
(I swear I've spent more than 20 years lying awake at night worrying that all these tapes are going to crumble into dust before they're digitized. I'm glad that the NSF-funded project got extended but I'm not going to relax yet.)
In case anyone is interested, I've been digging for information about how the digitization process is progressing, and this paper from June 2022 is highly encouraging:
"The years 2020 and first half of 2021 were marked by slowly moving digitization efforts due to COVID-19 restrictions. Even with these restrictions, CRSS-UTDallas was able to digitize an additional 50,000 hours of audio. This audio is recorded at 44.1Khz at NASA, JSC which houses the only existing system that can play the Apollo analog tapes. Entire Apollo 8, 9, and 10 were digitized, providing valuable information on MCC speakers." Source: https://aclanthology.org/2022.nidcp-1.3.pdf (https://aclanthology.org/2022.nidcp-1.3.pdf)
Oh my goodness. Apollo 8. That one is going to be a blast.
And evidently Apollo 9. On the EECOM loops in Apollo 13, when the question is asked by an ECS man "how can I tell it's night on Apollo 9?", John Aaron tells him jokingly to look for when "Liebergot woke the crew up." Which makes me wonder what he did.
As noted in an earlier post, there was a delay - likely as a result of COVID-19 and budget constraints - and it looks like the end date of the project was pushed back to August 2024 according to NSF's award page (https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2016725&HistoricalAwards=false).
Does that mean that Apollo 16 will be out in August 2024? If not, what is your best estimate when?
I cant wait 😁
Unfortunately it's more likely that I will be selected as an astronaut..... a very long way to go on Apollo 16!!
But why? There most be a good answer to that.
How much have been completed in percentage?)
It was stated here that the goal was to make it by the 50th aniversary of Apollo 16. Now we are approaching the 52nd.
Short answer: NASA is having difficulty getting the historical tapes from the National Archives.
Short answer: NASA is having difficulty getting the historical tapes from the National Archives.
Wow! Are there issues with other missions or just 16?
It's a hangup with the process, not the material. Every transfer is still pending.
Any Apollo 16 update? Or is it never going to happen?
I would assume until there is an update from NSF that it's on hold indefinitely.
Okay. I am not giving up my hope for Apollo 16 :-)
The NSF grant information says the end date for the project is now July 2025.
The most recent paper I can find says they've preserved over 75,000 hours out of an estimated 150,000 hours of audio. (Apollo 11 is apparently 19,000 hours in total.) See: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10446811
So... maybe they're getting somewhere? But I'm not sure this is an advance from the previous news that they'd digitized Apollo 8, 9 and 10.
Sorry for the late reply to this Naraht, but -- this is definitely a worthwhile update. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Sorry for the late reply to this Naraht, but -- this is definitely a worthwhile update. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
I'm reading tea leaves! But we'll keep hope alive. Glad you found it useful.
Holding out hope for apollo 8 and 12 MOCR audio, at some point.
Whilst we can't know what's going on behind the scenes, hopefully the project is still underway and going okay.
Who knows, maybe it will all be released at once?
Fingers crossed.