Apollo in Real Time Forum

Message Boards => Apollo 13 Moments of Interest => Topic started by: MadDogBV on September 08, 2023, 01:28:46 pm

Title: -02:06:51 BOOSTER bungles abort command test, Skip gets testy
Post by: MadDogBV on September 08, 2023, 01:28:46 pm
Well, this is a little unfair on BOOSTER. Based on subsequent dialogue, the abort commands weren't being transmitted due to a console selection issue - FIDO and FLIGHT's consoles were linked up to the spacecraft but not BOOSTER's. Although the commands are sent successfully shortly thereafter and FLIGHT Milt Windler attempts to pass it off as just a minor glitch, STC Skip Chauvin is clearly not satisfied and he continues to pursue the cause of the issue, specifically trying to rule out a spacecraft problem.

Based on subsequent dialogue on the FLIGHT loop, it sounds as if there may have been a phone call between Skip and Milt after the glitch to clear up the issue. It's unknown what the content of the call was, but one could guess that it likely wasn't a flattering assessment of RTC or BOOSTER's role in a usually routine command check.

FLIGHT loop: https://apolloinrealtime.org/13/?t=-02:07:00&ch=7 (https://apolloinrealtime.org/13/?t=-02:07:00&ch=7)
BOOSTER loop: https://apolloinrealtime.org/13/?t=-02:07:00&ch=47 (https://apolloinrealtime.org/13/?t=-02:07:00&ch=47)