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Very little of the thousands of hours of Mission Control audio on the website has been heard or documented. As you find moments of interest, post them here for discussion.

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Messages - dancope

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Thanks Ben I will try and work out another way to do it.

Hope everything is going well at NASA.

All the best


To make things a bit clearer. I missed the chance to do a watch party with others on the exact date of the 50th anniversary and I'm trying to work out how to share watching a complete mission with other people in lockdown so we are all synchronised.

I would be doing this with people in the UK so I imagine syncing to our computer clock would mean we were all watching at the same time. The question is how to predict what date the site will return to the beginning of the recordings.

I am not sure whether using the 1 minute launch button would work as I am not sure everyone could press it at the same time and want people to be able to dip in and out of the site and still be synchronised.

I am trying to work out when the next two Join Now Apollo 11 missions start.

I read elsewhere on the forum that the site just loops. I therefore wondered when the Join Now loop starts? is it at 1 minute to launch or in the 20 hours beforehand? And I also wondered whether the date synchronises, it looked like it did this January with January 16th syncing to July 16th.

If I joined at 1 pm on February 16th would I then be at around half an hour to launch?


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