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Very little of the thousands of hours of Mission Control audio on the website has been heard or documented. As you find moments of interest, post them here for discussion.

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Messages - cmackellar

Pages: [1]
Hi Rainer,

I can't tell when that audio clip comes from in the mission - it's what you often hear when the crew are speaking among themselves - but aren't speaking to the ground. Enough of their voice breaks through that you can hear them (but not tell what they are saying) if the background is quiet enough.

I realised this was happening when comparing onboard audio (recorded with the DSE) with what was heard on the ground.

Though I haven't put together a comparison file, you can heard the same effect on Apollo 8 - just find a spot in the mission where there is a good recording of the onboard audio and also a recording of the downlinked voice. On this page -


I think you'll find some overlaps.

I guess the producers just put it in there to help it sound authentic. :-)


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