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Very little of the thousands of hours of Mission Control audio on the website has been heard or documented. As you find moments of interest, post them here for discussion.

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Chuck Deiterich is quite a character, in a way that I think is underestimated by listening just solely to the Flight Director loops. When listening to the Flight Dynamics loops in particular during the re-entry phase, you can detect a great deal of anxiety and chariness about him in a way that tends to be somewhat charming. 😊

The below recording is just one of many instances in which his nervousness is on display when YAW asks him a question that sounds innocuous on paper, but which would understandably prompt panic under different circumstances. Given the proximity to entry interface and considering the fact they've already done a midcourse and an SM sep, their options for recovering from a mistake were greatly limited.

Apollo 13 Moments of Interest / Re: Apollo 13 Film vs Reality
« Last post by kendradog on August 06, 2023, 02:53:42 pm »
Regarding the biomed sensors, I've always been a little unclear as to exactly how severe Fred Haise's fever was (I've seen reports of 104 degrees) and what was done for it. Was he taking antibiotics? If he really did have a high fever, then medical sensors would have been useful, if just to monitor his temperature.
If you listen to 13 Minutes to the Moon podcast season 2, they explain John Aaron’s role. He’s also interviewed.

This is from the SPAN.
56:41:43 [Speaker 1]. Hey Bill, y'all looking for me?
56:41:48: [Speaker 2] Looking for John Aaron
56:41:50: [Speaker 1] Did you try his house?
[Larry] 56:41:52: This is Larry. We found John. You might want to come in also. There are some very serious problems.
[Speaker 1]: Like what?
[Larry]: Two fuel cells and a couple of O2 tanks. Gone.
[Speaker 1]: Hmm. OK.
[Larry]: So we're trying to muster up all the hands we looks like both of the O2 tanks.

I wonder if everyone was looking for John Aaron just because he was so well respected in EECOM, and not just because of the SCE. There's an exchange in the EECOM during Glynn Lunney's shift in which EECOM/ECS are looking at the pressure readings and John Aaron confidently seems to know from memory the exact ambient pressure and temperature readings of liquid O2, something the other controllers did not seem to know. Just that exchange gave me the sense that John Aaron was as remarkable as his reputation. (Oddly enough, during that exchange the rest of the EECOM did not seem to pay a lot of attention but there was a lot going on).

Be that as it may, I thought perhaps the above exchange had some points of interest.

Apollo 13 Moments of Interest / Re: 033:23:00 SPAN is such a Lady Killer...
« Last post by kendradog on August 05, 2023, 01:38:47 pm »
Beautiful find there. The SPAN guy (who's voice sounds familiar) was complaining about how he's "been awful busy running around doing 15 million things" [33:24:02] and later "we got three or four little ditties going on with the spacecraft".

If he's busy at 33:24 I wonder how he'll feel in 24 hours?

The clip is also culturally significant and interesting [somewhat reminds me perhaps a bit of the scene where Miss Scott calls General Turgidson in the war room, at the end of which Turgidson tells Scott to be sure and say her prayers].

I don't think it's possible to determine the precise "spooky story" that the woman was reading, but in theory it might be possible to figure out the James Cagney "murder mystery" she was watching on April 12, 1970 in which Cagney has "knives." This would have been broadcast at about 9:00 PM in Florida.
Excellent find here. Not so obvious to look at the BOOSTER tapes this late in the mission.

It's worth noting the exchange at 124:27:41 that reveals that the simulator team was working 24 hours straight but finally got exhausted and had to take a break. I feel like this highlights the dedication of the team:

124:27:41 I don't see anyone around here.
124:27:42   They've been doing things with the [K-Band?] here continuously on almost a 24-hour basis.
124:27:47   Yeah.
124:27:49   They gave them some time off yesterday because we only had one simulator team, and they had been going 24 hours.
This is very interesting, indeed. Thanks for finding it!


GET 124:23:10 through 124:36:30

Someone (not sure who?) uses Booster's phone to make a call to Jim Shepherd.

Plenty of backroom politics about the blame game. Thoughts about the cause of the accident. Worries about the public response and Jim Lovell's future in the program.

A bit of an insight into the progress of the Apollo program: Command modules up to 18 are in the clean room, and Lunar Modules are a couple of months behind. The planning for missions 18 and 19 could be in doubt...

This mission was a real turning point in the program. Whilst they are upbeat about getting the crew home, there is clear recognition that questions will be asked.
Apollo 13 Moments of Interest / 033:23:00 SPAN is such a Lady Killer...
« Last post by RobatRobot on August 01, 2023, 03:50:59 pm »

SPAN tells his baby to stop watching murder mysteries or reading spooky stories in PlayBoy. Then complains about his alarm not getting him up early enough and not getting a proper debrief.
I find the clashes weirdly entertaining too. When they are trying to do the last midcourse on the way to Earth, there's basically what amounts to a screaming match that breaks out on the RETRO loop between himself and GUIDO, over whether or not the spacecraft is rolled out of plane. It does fortunately resolve amicably -- thankfully for the crew...

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