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Very little of the thousands of hours of Mission Control audio on the website has been heard or documented. As you find moments of interest, post them here for discussion.

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To be fair, compare and contrast Dave Reed before the accident, having an argument with Booster because Marshall want to use his vector and he says agreed procedure is that they should calculate their own. (This is part of an argument that started much earlier.)

He certainly sounds fresher but equally testy. I think he had a little bit of a temper.
A small addendum to this one: Compare and contrast FIDO Dave Reed at 134 hours with FIDO Dave Reed almost exactly 20 hours prior. He sounds more like a pilot on a commercial airliner flying to Honolulu. ;D Everybody must have felt pretty confident about how the last day of the flight would play out, until of course the actual reality of the situation hit everyone in the face.

You can really hear the exhaustion and frustration in their voices and language. In the movie, there some scenes that showed the astronauts getting testy over time, but in the movie the mission controllers are always pretty calm.

In reality though, constant work, little sleep, maybe sleeping on floors and not showering for a few days, takes its toll. CAPCOM Jack Lousma sounds as cool as always of course.
FLIGHT Milt Windler had surprised the flight dynamics crew by calling for the PGNS to be activated early, partly due to generous power margins, but mostly to help warm up the freezing crew. As a result, the trench suddenly became very active, but the backrooms and computers are still operating on a skeleton staff due to not anticipating a power-up until the planned midcourse at 137 hours. It's currently 134.

GUIDO Gary Renick has been trying to get the dynamics officer in the RTCC, Ken Leach, to run a starsearch. However, Ken is the only dynamics officer on duty* and he has been prioritizing the FIDO's requests. After Gary complains about his slowness in computing the search, Ken fires back a blunt rejoinder about the trench's lack of organization. Then FIDO Dave Reed, who is about as stressed out as any flight dynamics officer can be, decides it's time to have a word with his guidance officer.

The two have argued with each other before; when Dave had pressured him to tell Windler that it was not practical to run a P52 in the current compressed entry timeline, Gary buckled: "He is the FLIGHT, Dave."

Edit: Ray Reynolds is actually working in the backroom with Ken Leach, but he isn't heard on the loops at all. Based on how he struggled through the Gold Team shift, he might still be very tired by this time.
General Discussion / Re: Other Apollo Missions
« Last post by MadDogBV on October 06, 2023, 10:18:05 pm »
Oh my goodness. Apollo 8. That one is going to be a blast.

And evidently Apollo 9. On the EECOM loops in Apollo 13, when the question is asked by an ECS man "how can I tell it's night on Apollo 9?", John Aaron tells him jokingly to look for when "Liebergot woke the crew up." Which makes me wonder what he did.
General Discussion / Re: Other Apollo Missions
« Last post by Naraht on October 05, 2023, 08:39:47 am »
In case anyone is interested, I've been digging for information about how the digitization process is progressing, and this paper from June 2022 is highly encouraging:

"The years 2020 and first half of 2021 were marked by slowly moving digitization efforts due to COVID-19 restrictions. Even with these restrictions, CRSS-UTDallas was able to digitize an additional 50,000 hours of audio. This audio is recorded at 44.1Khz at NASA, JSC which houses the only existing system that can play the Apollo analog tapes. Entire Apollo 8, 9, and 10 were digitized, providing valuable information on MCC speakers." Source:
General Discussion / Re: Other Apollo Missions
« Last post by Naraht on October 05, 2023, 02:23:28 am »
Is Apollo 16 planned to include the Mission Control loops?

(I swear I've spent more than 20 years lying awake at night worrying that all these tapes are going to crumble into dust before they're digitized. I'm glad that the NSF-funded project got extended but I'm not going to relax yet.)
Apollo 11 Moments of Interest / Re: CONTROL and the bet on Eagle's lifespan
« Last post by Naraht on October 05, 2023, 02:16:33 am » There's a question of whether "Merlin" (I think?) is going to leave. "No." "What, you gonna stay here 'til it quits?"

Guessing that will have been Merlin Merritt, who was a TELMU.
Nice find!

To pick up on the following discussion, one of the most "un-military" flight controllers has to be Steve Bales, hands down. His work was clearly massively respected, or he wouldn't have been chosen for both the lunar landing and take-off shifts on Apollo 11, but he was very excitable and prone to interrupting. The contrast between him and Jay Greene during their backchannel discussions around the Apollo 11 landing is very clear.

Greene, although clearly non-military and often tongue-in-cheek during ordinary shifts, was pretty calm and collected when the chips were down. Like this when he's reminding his backroom to 'stay with it' while the room is still clapping after the landing:

But then he later became a flight director - not coincidental I think.
Apollo 13 Moments of Interest / Re: 068:57:10 Discussion about DPS engine liner problem
« Last post by kendradog on September 27, 2023, 10:37:56 pm »
To save future readers some googling, GOSS means "Ground Operational Support System", can't say I know what they do exactly.

What is the "liner" that the speakers are so concerned about?

By the way, SPAN is transcribed as SPAM in this clip.
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