Apollo 13 Moments of Interest


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[1] Apollo 13 Film vs Reality

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[3] 126:41:26 Jack Garman agitated over Mattingly veering off script

[4] 107:05:24 Exasperated FIDO and RETRO grill CONTROL on SHe tank

[5] 055:06:23 EECOM Liebergot reveals how high-gain antenna failed

[6] 064:16:26 Bob Carlton gives the redline for power and water

[7] 019:19:14 BOOSTER reports to FIDO Greene that S-IVB is tumbling out of control

[8] 106:58:21 Jay Greene: "Hey babe, it's time to make another decision~"

[9] 027:43:54 "You don't want everything to fail, do you?"


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