Apollo 13 Moments of Interest
[1] 036:33:56 Neil Hutchinson chews out EECOM John Aaron
[2] -02:06:51 BOOSTER bungles abort command test, Skip gets testy
[3] 033:23:00 SPAN is such a Lady Killer...
[4] 010:05:55 INCO:- "This thing is recorded..."
[5] "Y'all looking for me", and an allusion to looking for John Aaron
[6] 124:23:10 Jim Shepherd discusses the accident and the response
[7] "We've got a good problem" but I forget where I heard it
[8] 027:01:18 SPAN calls CSM GNC to discuss a docked DPS burn
[9] Multiple times - "Listen to the air-to-ground!"
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