Yeah, I considered that possibility, and upon reflection, that makes the most sense. Thanks for that explanation.
Edit: Actually as I think about it, it could go either way. Neil and the GNC folks are discussing the availability of seats and consoles in the Vehicle Systems SSR.
Looking over the Flight Controller Assignments PDF that I saved to my PDF, the SSR has about 4 positions and 21 officers for the CSM working over three shifts (so 7 officers a shift), and it also has over 18 different officers and 10 different positions for the BSE (Booster). It's more than likely, given how important the re-entry is, that the Booster officers will want to come back into the SSR room to listen in on the recovery operations. So the Booster consoles might indeed be first-come first-serve as Neil said, particularly with Milt Windler's warning hanging over everyone's head.