Hello everyone at Apollo in Real Time!
I am a new member here, and I want to say what an amazing website and resource this is.
I run a brand-new facebook & instagram project called
Daily Quindar (
https://www.facebook.com/dailyquindar +
https://www.instagram.com/daily_quindar), and its mission is to post a single spacecraft-ground radio snippet every day from the Apollo missions. It is a non-profit endeavor, designed to generate curiosity that comes with reading random transmissions out-of-context.
So far I have the complete transcripts for
Apollo 11 &
Apollo 13 thanks to the the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, and I am working on using OCR software in order to convert the raw pdf scans of the remaining missions. However, this is difficult, as the character recognition software isn't always up to task.
My question to you: Would it be possible to obtain from you copies of txt or pdf-files that you have made for
Apollo 16/17 or any other mission you have? I would be most appreciative, and would love to link to your site from my project.
Take care