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Author Topic: 060:05:41 INCO: "You guys have really done me in, buddy."  (Read 3573 times)

Offline MadDogBV

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060:05:41 INCO: "You guys have really done me in, buddy."
« on: May 15, 2020, 09:13:52 am »

INCO Ed Fendell expresses his (rather understandable) frustrations with the PROCEDURES and TRACK officers after an attempt to establish tracking with the LM results in a lengthy loss of comm, which in turn results in flight director Glynn Lunney getting rather testy at INCO.

Most of the INCO channel around here (starting at 59:45:00) is worth listening to, to get an inside look at the comm disaster that took place, by way of the conversations between INCO, TRACK, and the Honeysuckle and Goldstone tracking stations. Although they do come up with a workaround, the poor INCO officer does spend the next several minutes lamenting the trouble that this new procedure got him into.  :)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 10:17:11 am by MadDogBV »