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Author Topic: 064:38:54 Jay Greene's first appearance on the FLIGHT loop since accident  (Read 3872 times)

Offline MadDogBV

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Pretty self-explanatory. He's not explicitly identified as Jay, but the voice is unmistakably his. I haven't monitored the FIDO loops to determine if Jay was chatting to the backroom prior to this, though I gather there were multiple FIDO's and GUIDO's working the consoles after the accident occurred. He's not heard from again on the FLIGHT loop until Lunney's second shift at around 089 hours or so.


Edit: He was actually on the FIDO loops a good while prior to this, to talk to SELECT specifically. Jay wanted to sort out some confusion regarding tracking requirements after Bill Boone scared the hell out of them by suggesting they might not have the transponder beacon for more than an hour at most.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2023, 10:07:20 am by MadDogBV »

Offline Naraht

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Nice find! Yes that's definitely him.

I'd previously hopped around the recordings a bit to see if he was on console at all (he's one of my favorite controllers), but hadn't found this, so I appreciate it very much. I'll have a listen to the FIDO loop to see how long he was around.

He's also on duty from roughly 095 to 096 hours, if anyone is interested.

Per his oral history: "I was supposed to be the descent FIDO for 13, and then other things happened that they said, 'We don’t need you this flight.' ... I was sort of assisting one of the guys for various reasons and participated in a couple of meetings here and there and had some spiffy suggestions, if I remember, but I was not a major Apollo 13 guy." 
« Last Edit: March 29, 2021, 02:02:25 pm by Naraht »

Offline Naraht

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In case anyone is interested I think he appears first here:

And goes off here to speak to MPAD and is not heard from again, at least within the next 45 minutes: