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Author Topic: 048:44:15 Greene: "what's this 'hey babe' stuff?"  (Read 4555 times)

Offline Naraht

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048:44:15 Greene: "what's this 'hey babe' stuff?"
« on: May 23, 2021, 12:39:04 pm »

Jay Greene: What do you want?
Unknown caller: Hey babe, have you updated since 45+38?
Greene: What's this 'hey babe' stuff?
Caller: I learned it from you!
Greene: Listen babe, we're in the control center, this conversation is being recorded, you call me "FIDO, sir"
Caller: Control center conversation mode: FIDO, sir.
Greene: Go.

And after a conversation they close with...
Greene: We'll see you, babe.
Caller: Appreciate it, FIDO, sir.
Greene: Ciao, ciao.

Offline MadDogBV

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Re: 048:44:15 Greene: "what's this 'hey babe' stuff?"
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2021, 09:59:31 am »
Oh yeah, I heard this when I was doing audio editing to trim the noise and silences off the MOCR loops. Jay Greene gets damn feisty on the FIDO/MOCR DYN loops. I imagine when the Race To The Moon book described the members of the trench as "well nigh insufferable", Jay weighed heavily on their minds.  ;D

Offline Naraht

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Re: 048:44:15 Greene: "what's this 'hey babe' stuff?"
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2021, 04:11:43 pm »
Never a dull moment, you've got to give him that! Half the time I get the feeling that he was just trying to keep himself from getting bored.

If I'd been Greene's middle school teacher, I'm sure I would have considered him a smart aleck, but as it is I think he's great.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2021, 03:10:36 pm by Naraht »

Offline MadDogBV

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Re: 048:44:15 Greene: "what's this 'hey babe' stuff?"
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2021, 10:59:51 am »
I did delve into the details of the conservation, and apparently Jay is referring to the changes in the projected impact point for the S-IVB that EXPERIMENTS is crashing into the Moon (this exercise also occupies a fair bit of Stoval's time during his shift). The latitude and longitude for the impact point is changing on a fairly regular basis due to the uneven surface and gravitational field of the Moon. As Jay comments earlier in the shift when giving the updated coordinates to Gerry, "They're all one on top of the other."

The best part about this is Jay mixes up minutes and decimals when first giving the coordinates. Then after the phone call, he gets into a heated row with PROCEDURES and COMM about how the updated coordinates being put on the big numbered display at the front of the MOCR are wrong, and that there's no such thing as 83 minutes. ;D

First, his exchange with PROCEDURES to let them know that they screwed up in confusing minutes with decimals:

Then, he gets into it with COMM on the MOCR DYN loop, who tries to out-smart-aleck Jay, but doesn't succeed in doing so.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2021, 11:02:55 am by MadDogBV »