Message Boards > Apollo 13 Moments of Interest

140:03:43 RETRO Chuck Deiterich gets spooked by YAW

<< < (2/2)

What I plan to do at some point, as I have time, is just a few compilation YouTube videos (or well, audios) of some of the Trench officers - Reed, Deiterich, Bales, possibly even Boone - just as a highlight reel of stuff they say on the loops. Each compilation video would probably be themed in some way. Perhaps Bales would be a mix of him being overly enthusiastic versus quiet and somnolent; Reed would be all the times he lost his temper, etc..  ;D

No lie - I would waste so much time (re)listening to those. What a brilliant idea!

Probably you have tons of material already but you might consider starting some themed threads in the general forum, so that people could share clips that you might have missed.

My dream find: Steve Bales' colleagues in the Trench occasionally had to phone him to wake him up in time for the start of shift. Apparently these calls were quite funny so they sometimes played them back. The fact they were recorded makes me suspect that the calls came from Mission Control - maybe they went and did them from the Booster console? But it would be amazing to find a Bales wake-up call one day. Maybe from one of the other missions.

Best of Jack Garman would also be great. He was quite a character too.


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